Keyword Research Agency in Preston
Keyword research is the practice of discovering what users type into a search engine when performing a search. This is an integral facet of any SEO service. Before we can optimise a website or embark on a campaign, we need to know which are the right keywords to try and rank for. It’s not just about generating traffic, it’s about generating the right kind of traffic – traffic which will convert into leads or sales.
You may have in mind some keywords for which you would like to rank, but your customers may not think the same way you do. Knowing what you want to rank for isn’t always enough; we need to know what your potential customers would search for to find your product or service. What’s more, keyword research can help you uncover a searcher’s intent. For example, what kind of words do searchers use when looking for information and what words do they use when looking to make a purchase? The difference can be crucial in generating the right kind of traffic for your website.
Keyword research can also reveal gaps in the market and even help you to predict shifts in demand. We have various tools at our disposal that show us the number of people searching for a specific term and the competition (from your competitors) around that term. We can also see annual trends in search volume to help you stay ahead of the game!
ZANA Digital can help you identify the keyword demand in your market and which keywords to target over the short, mid and long term to get the best return on your investment. Contact our Director Mike for more information.